Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Great Weekend

We had a great weekend in Memphis – just wish it had been a little warmer. We stopped at the Wolfchase Galleria to grab a bite to eat (and feed a hungry baby). Boy, did I wish I had some money to spend there….. But Caleigh and I did ride the merry-go-round twice. Then she threw one of her famous fits in the food court and got spanked by her daddy and of course then I noticed that the people next to us kept staring – like ‘I can’t believe you just did that’.
Once we left there we got checked into the hotel and rested for a bit. We were going to leave the hotel around 3PM (the wedding started at 4PM)….so at 2:45 I started searching for Caleigh’s dress shoes and tights. I finally had to admit that I must have not put them back in her bag…OOOPS! Jesse suggested that we just let her wear her tennis shoes.. Are you kidding me?? Granted, neither Caleigh or I are big-time girly-girls, but come on – tennis shoes with her pretty dress?? There was a Target nearby that we stopped at and found some shoes and tights pretty quickly. Of course by that time Jesse and I both were fit to be tied (I with him and him with me)… So we made it to the church and it was a nice ceremony. The reception was held at the Farmer’s Market Agricenter. It was nice – but COLD! There was a band playing and good food, but wasn’t necessarily ideal for a 6 month old and 3 year old. Caleigh did exceptionally well though, I think she only had one good fit while we were there. I took some pictures and I’ll try to get those up soon.
We were back at the hotel at 7:30 and in the bed before 10PM (I know, kinda sad – but that’s life with 2 small kids in tow). Oh, and then we had a really yummy breakfast at ‘Bob Evans’ on Sunday (never been to one before then, but I would certainly recommend it).


  1. Yeah, I don't know what the deal is with people who give you "snarky" looks when you spank your child in public. I got spankings when I was young and I turned out OK. (Or so I think....) Anyway, it's so hard to believe someone that cute is capable of a fit. Aren't they all just wolves in adorable sheep's clothing!?!? Caris's temper has already begun to show, so I can only imagine what we're in for. I'll pray for you if you'll pray for me!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think you tell fibs on sweet Caleigh. She is always so sweet and quiet and polite around me!!



Abbey has decided she likes bath time. For the first few weeks of her life she HATED baths (so did mommy and daddy). She likes kicking her feet in the water.

my caleigh bug....

my caleigh bug....
this was before we got her hair cut - her bangs were awful! :-)


Yes, she has 'bed head'. She didn't even change out of her PJ's until she had a bath that night. Any time that I want to get her all 'cutsied up' to take pictures, she refuses and it turns into a battle until I finally give up. Guess I'm having to pay for being so stubborn myself....