Friday, November 14, 2008


Well, I finally gave up and bought a new cable for my camera. Now that I bought one I’ll probably find the other one, but better to have 2 than none I suppose…..
Below are some recent pictures of the girls. I can be so frustrated with Caleigh and all I have to do is see her silly grin and it melts my heart. We had rounds again this morning. She got mad about EVERYTHING….she wanted to brush her teeth by herself…..put her shoes on by herself…..she didn’t want her jacket on, then she did…..and on, and on, and on. And she screamed every time. I was so frazzled by the time I left I just wanted to cry. I don’t want to rush either of the girls to grow up, but I long for at least one day that we don’t have to fuss and fight just to get out of the house in the morning.
It’s Friday again, thank goodness. We are going to Memphis tomorrow for Jesse’s cousin’s wedding and we’re going to spend the night. I’m looking forward to it – it’s always nice to get out of town.
I guess I better get back to work. I hope we can get internet back on at home soon before I get fired for being on it too much at work.....

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Abbey has decided she likes bath time. For the first few weeks of her life she HATED baths (so did mommy and daddy). She likes kicking her feet in the water.

my caleigh bug....

my caleigh bug....
this was before we got her hair cut - her bangs were awful! :-)


Yes, she has 'bed head'. She didn't even change out of her PJ's until she had a bath that night. Any time that I want to get her all 'cutsied up' to take pictures, she refuses and it turns into a battle until I finally give up. Guess I'm having to pay for being so stubborn myself....