Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Long Awaited Move

Just to follow-up, my brother is now in Winston County. His custody status has not changed, so he’s still only gets visits twice a month (2nd & 4th Saturdays), but it will be much easier to visit now.
If anyone is willing, please send him a Christmas card – it doesn’t matter if you know him or not – he’ll be glad to receive any correspondence from anybody:

Winston Co. Corrections
David Neyman, #108449
P.O. Box 1437
Louisville, MS 39339

He has not been assigned a zone yet, but this is the address given to send mail.
Thanks to anyone who will do this – it’s very much appreciated!!

1 comment:

  1. What good news! I know you are excited. I need your address, I have something to send y'all. You can email it to me
    Kiss the girls for me!



Abbey has decided she likes bath time. For the first few weeks of her life she HATED baths (so did mommy and daddy). She likes kicking her feet in the water.

my caleigh bug....

my caleigh bug....
this was before we got her hair cut - her bangs were awful! :-)


Yes, she has 'bed head'. She didn't even change out of her PJ's until she had a bath that night. Any time that I want to get her all 'cutsied up' to take pictures, she refuses and it turns into a battle until I finally give up. Guess I'm having to pay for being so stubborn myself....