Monday, November 24, 2008

Why can't we all just get along?

I know that there is a certain level of dysfunction in everyone’s family, and I certainly don’t claim to have more than anyone else out there. I just wish differences could be put aside to be able to enjoy a couple of days with family. My sister and her two boys came to visit Friday & Saturday. We were supposed to have Thanksgiving dinner early (Saturday night), but things didn’t go as planned. I’ll spare you the ugly details….but it was by no means pleasant. I am glad that I was able to spend time with all my nephews (and watching Caleigh act as the ‘mama hen’ was amusing) – they played with the chikens and the turkeys (more like terrorized them), which also meant cleaning poop off shoes – but a good time was had by all the kids. Nothing has ever been ‘normal’ per se with my family – and there’s really no reason why things can’t be. I feel like I’m constantly fighting a losing battle – and it’s exhausting. And on top of that I was getting sick (sore throat, headache – just like everyone else around here I’m sure), so I didn’t even get out of bed yesterday until around lunch time. I ventured out to get some medicine and a few groceries and just laid low for the rest of the day.
I did manage to get some cute pictures of the kids Saturday, and I hope to get those up soon.
I do ask for prayers – particularly for one member of my family. I don’t want my girls to grow up with so much negativity as I did – there’s absolutely no need for it, and we only get one life to live here on earth, so we might as well make the best of it…..

Friday, November 21, 2008

New Venture...

Well, I’ve started another blog for my creative side ( I’ve put up a few pictures of random things I’ve done. I am trying to get in a mode of creating more things, and I’ll get more pictures up soon. My sister is in town this weekend and we are going to be busy painting and creating. I love to make things for people – and it would be great to be able to make a profit with it. It’s something I wish I could do full time (maybe one day!). Also check out – which is my sister’s site.
Still more to come….

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wedding Pics

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Great Weekend

We had a great weekend in Memphis – just wish it had been a little warmer. We stopped at the Wolfchase Galleria to grab a bite to eat (and feed a hungry baby). Boy, did I wish I had some money to spend there….. But Caleigh and I did ride the merry-go-round twice. Then she threw one of her famous fits in the food court and got spanked by her daddy and of course then I noticed that the people next to us kept staring – like ‘I can’t believe you just did that’.
Once we left there we got checked into the hotel and rested for a bit. We were going to leave the hotel around 3PM (the wedding started at 4PM)….so at 2:45 I started searching for Caleigh’s dress shoes and tights. I finally had to admit that I must have not put them back in her bag…OOOPS! Jesse suggested that we just let her wear her tennis shoes.. Are you kidding me?? Granted, neither Caleigh or I are big-time girly-girls, but come on – tennis shoes with her pretty dress?? There was a Target nearby that we stopped at and found some shoes and tights pretty quickly. Of course by that time Jesse and I both were fit to be tied (I with him and him with me)… So we made it to the church and it was a nice ceremony. The reception was held at the Farmer’s Market Agricenter. It was nice – but COLD! There was a band playing and good food, but wasn’t necessarily ideal for a 6 month old and 3 year old. Caleigh did exceptionally well though, I think she only had one good fit while we were there. I took some pictures and I’ll try to get those up soon.
We were back at the hotel at 7:30 and in the bed before 10PM (I know, kinda sad – but that’s life with 2 small kids in tow). Oh, and then we had a really yummy breakfast at ‘Bob Evans’ on Sunday (never been to one before then, but I would certainly recommend it).

Friday, November 14, 2008


Well, I finally gave up and bought a new cable for my camera. Now that I bought one I’ll probably find the other one, but better to have 2 than none I suppose…..
Below are some recent pictures of the girls. I can be so frustrated with Caleigh and all I have to do is see her silly grin and it melts my heart. We had rounds again this morning. She got mad about EVERYTHING….she wanted to brush her teeth by herself…..put her shoes on by herself…..she didn’t want her jacket on, then she did…..and on, and on, and on. And she screamed every time. I was so frazzled by the time I left I just wanted to cry. I don’t want to rush either of the girls to grow up, but I long for at least one day that we don’t have to fuss and fight just to get out of the house in the morning.
It’s Friday again, thank goodness. We are going to Memphis tomorrow for Jesse’s cousin’s wedding and we’re going to spend the night. I’m looking forward to it – it’s always nice to get out of town.
I guess I better get back to work. I hope we can get internet back on at home soon before I get fired for being on it too much at work.....

So Silly....

Abigail - 6 Months

Monday, November 10, 2008

Another weekend gone....

Well, it's Monday again. We had a pretty good weekend. Jesse, Abbey, and I went to Tuscaloosa Saturday to take care of some Christmas shopping. Caleigh stayed with Mike and Diann (Santa needs the element of surprise, right?). We weren't able to get everything taken care of, but we got the biggest item out of the way. We ate at Olive Garden for lunch (YUM!), but I had a major headache and was relieved when we finally headed home.
Then there's Sunday.... We got up to get ready for church (granted, I didn't get up as early as I needed to - but when do I ever??). So at 8:45 I was still not dressed, so we decided then we would not be making it to Sunday school. Caleigh was having meltdown after meltdown and I should NOT have thought it was so important to curl her hair (it must have still been damp the night before when she went to bed because it was all crinked up), but I wanted it to be cute. She was already screaming and crying when I started...then she started coughing (like she was trying to make herself sick) and spitting - so I lost my cool and yelled at her to stop and oh boy, that just really set her off. So Jesse made the executive decision for us just to stay home. I hate it when Sunday's start off so badly. It's supposed to be a day of rest - not STRESS! I really have to work on my level of patience.
I took some pictures of Abbey for her 6 month 'birthday' - although I was nearly 2 weeks over due. I somehow managed to misplace my USB cable for my camera, so as soon as I locate it, I'll get some pictures up. Oh, and Abbey is finally getting a tooth! Caleigh already had 2 on the bottom when she was 6 months, so Abbey's got some catching up to do. You can feel it just breaking through the gum.
Anyway....I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Exersaucer Fun

Here are some pictures of Abbey playing in her exersaucer. This was such a great invention - both my girls have loved it.

Halloween Pics

On Thursday, 10/30, we went to Mt. Zion’s Fall Festival. Caleigh was reluctant to play games (she’s shy just like her mama), but she did ride a pony and ended up having a good time. We stayed home on Halloween. We decided to cook some chili for Chris and Pegan’s last night in Columbus, and my mom also came over. Lori brought Landen and Presley over – it was really good to see them. Here are some pictures from both nights.

Caleigh went fishing......

And caught a green bear!

The absolute cutest cow you've ever seen!

Caleigh and her bestest friend Claire.

Me and my country cowgirl!

She was sooo exited about riding the pony.



Thursday, November 6, 2008

What a Memory!

Tuesday night I went to a Kairos support group at the YMCA downtown. For those of you who don’t know, Kairos is a prison ministry. Kairos Inside is where men actually go inside Parchmen and minister to the inmates. Kairos Outside is designed for women who have either been incarcerated, or have been affected by the incarceration of a loved one. I went on an ‘Outside’ weekend in September 2007 and it was wonderful. My brother was arrested in April 2007, and was sentenced with 20 years (but he won’t have to serve that long). It wasn’t the first time he had been arrested – but he couldn’t get out of it this time, thank goodness. I say that because if he had not been sent to prison, I am certain that he would be dead – or almost there. Meth is such a powerful drug that has ruined so many lives – and we just can’t get rid of it. I hope that he is there long enough to have a chance to stay off of it when he gets out (but that’s a choice he has to make….), If any of you know someone who would benefit from this – let me know and I can give you more information.
ANYWAY – One of the ladies there that night looked at me and said ‘Did your last name used to be Neyman?’. I said yes, and she told me she was Ms. Fisher – Mrs. Burris’s assistant teacher when I was in KINDERGARTEN! Now you tell me that’s not a good memory. I couldn’t believe it. Of all places to see someone over 20 years later…
On a different note, I hope to get some pictures from Halloween up soon so everyone can see my sweet girls……


Abbey has decided she likes bath time. For the first few weeks of her life she HATED baths (so did mommy and daddy). She likes kicking her feet in the water.

my caleigh bug....

my caleigh bug....
this was before we got her hair cut - her bangs were awful! :-)


Yes, she has 'bed head'. She didn't even change out of her PJ's until she had a bath that night. Any time that I want to get her all 'cutsied up' to take pictures, she refuses and it turns into a battle until I finally give up. Guess I'm having to pay for being so stubborn myself....