Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday our whole family (Me, Jesse & the girls, Mike & Diann, and Chris & Pegan) went to Lake Lowndes to take some family pictures. Chris and Pegan are leaving Saturday (11/1)– moving to Kentucky, so we wanted to take an opportunity and get some pictures of all of us together. The ‘photo shoot’ didn’t go as well as I hoped it would. We got there around 3:30 and the sun was at the worst spot for picture taking. Caleigh threw fit after fit after fit and I was at my wits end soon after we started, which wasn’t good. I really don’t know what else to do at this point with her behavior – she is so sweet and smart, but can become SO ill-tempered at the drop of a hat. She doesn’t just cry – she SCREAMS. If someone were to here her scream like she does, they would probably think we were beating her. We spank, put her in time-out, talk to her, try to give her our undivided attention when we can, etc. Nothing works – she’ll be 4 in March, and I’m hoping the ‘terrible twos’ will play out eventually.
Anyway….enough about that. We did get a few good pictures, so it wasn’t a complete bust.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Im so glad to know that someone else this the same problem with a dramatic 3yr old! Nelie can be so sweet and at the drop of a hat be the devil. It doesn't matter what you do she has a mind of her own. She will control the situation. Lets pray it gets better!!!



Abbey has decided she likes bath time. For the first few weeks of her life she HATED baths (so did mommy and daddy). She likes kicking her feet in the water.

my caleigh bug....

my caleigh bug....
this was before we got her hair cut - her bangs were awful! :-)


Yes, she has 'bed head'. She didn't even change out of her PJ's until she had a bath that night. Any time that I want to get her all 'cutsied up' to take pictures, she refuses and it turns into a battle until I finally give up. Guess I'm having to pay for being so stubborn myself....