Monday, September 22, 2008

So we've taken another step to conserve money - sometime today our home phone will be turned off and we'll be just relying on our cell phones. I've had a land line for so long, it's going to be hard getting used to just using the cell phones, but it'll be about $50 we can put toward another bill. I won't get to talk to my brother any more - but I couldn't afford those call either, and I had gotten to where I was only talking to him once a month.
Diann and I and the girls went to Tuscaloosa Saturday. Caleigh was not in a great mood, so that meant neither was I... We went to Olive Garden when we got there to eat lunch and I was trying to feed Abbey, eat my salad, and had Caleigh hanging on to me - I'm getting better at multi-tasking. :-) I did finally get finished with my food - along with taking Caleigh to the bathroom twice (the second time I think she just wanted to get up and walk - she also whacked herself in the head with the changing table - the one that folds up). Abbey also 'took care of business' so I had to take her and change her diaper. It was also raining, which wouldn't have been so bad if Caleigh hadn't been so whiney. I know she'll grow out of it eventually, but then I have another one to fill her shoes all too soon. It's all worth it and I woudln't trade it for anything...but it would be nice to get through a day without wanting to pull my hair out. Oh well, I'm sure I won't be spared that feeling even when they leave the house, get married, and have children of their own.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Lessons Learned

Well, I decided to share this story so maybe if someone reading had something similar to happen then they would know what could happen. Jesse's dad (Mike) had the metal part of a bungee cord hit him on his knuckle (index finger). He thought it was broke, but chose not to go get it checked out at the time. He and Jesse went to the hunting club in Noxubee Co. Saturday and by the time they got home it was red, swollen, and well...just plain yucky. So he and Diann headed to the emergency room and they admitted him - and did surgery Sunday morning to get the infection out. It got pretty bad pretty quickly. I don't know what kind of infection it was (what type of bacteria, etc - I'm not to good with the medical lingo, so I'm just trying to interpret what I hear said). Apparently pond/lake water is NOT a good thing to get in a cut, etc. He may get to go home tomorrow. He needs your prayers! I know it's painful for him and I'm sure it'll be awhile before he gets to use his hand (at least it was his left hand - he's right-handed)....he's worried about getting to go fly fishing in October :-).
On a different note...It's Monday again and I am trying to have a better outlook on things as I go through each day. Some days it's hard - but I know I'm blessed to be able to get up each morning and see my family. I haven't been feeling very well, and I'm trying to do what I can to take care of my family. I can't help but feel like I'm failing when I do things like I did today and come home and lay down in the bed for an hour while Jesse is taking care of the girls. He doesn't mind a bit - after all, he is their father, but as a mother I guess I'm just made to feel like it's my primary duty. I just hope that I can get over this 'hump' - whatever it is, and enjoy each day to it's fullest because there is absolutely no reason not to......

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well, I survived.....

I got 3 wisdom teeth out Tuesday. My appointment was at 10:30 - and let me tell you, that valium makes you feel pretty darn good. I took it about 45 minutes before my appointment. By the time I got in the surgery room, all I remember is getting stuck in the arm and the doctor coming in and asking how I was. Of course, they had already taken my glasses so I couldn't see a thing anyway. The next thing I new I was in a different room with gauze stuck in my checks and a nurse telling me to keep my eyes open. I have no idea how I got into that room, much less how I actually made it out to the truck. The lortabs came in handy when the numbness wore off - but all in all, it was not as bad an experience as I anticipated. Although I am desperately wanting some FOOD - and by that I mean something other than tomato soup, pudding, or apple sauce. I'm just tickled that tomorrow is FRIDAY - although it's going to be a very busy day. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend - we are all blessed to see each day and I want anyone who's reading this that I appreciate everyone in my life - family, friends, co-workers, etc - you all impact my life in one way or another and I am thankful for it all - the good and the bad........


Abbey has decided she likes bath time. For the first few weeks of her life she HATED baths (so did mommy and daddy). She likes kicking her feet in the water.

my caleigh bug....

my caleigh bug....
this was before we got her hair cut - her bangs were awful! :-)


Yes, she has 'bed head'. She didn't even change out of her PJ's until she had a bath that night. Any time that I want to get her all 'cutsied up' to take pictures, she refuses and it turns into a battle until I finally give up. Guess I'm having to pay for being so stubborn myself....